Faith, belief, understanding, and virtue

1 Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, 3 being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1-3 NASB

There is such a thing as Biblical unity and then there is false unity.  True Biblical unity is, of course, rooted in the Word of God, while false unity is rooted in the world’s wisdom applied to Christianized thinking. Those professing Christians seeking unity with Islam and other religions, for instance, make their cause sound very noble, but true Biblical unity can only be based on one truth, “the unanimous agreement concerning the unique revelation of God through Jesus Christ” not human reason, or experience. In fact, professing Christians pursuing this “false unity” is a perfect case of where presuppositional thinking comes to bear. When our presuppositions are lined up as God would have them then we will be unified only with those Christians who are also in Christ as we are. On the other hand, those who do the opposite, seeking unity with all forms of religions and beliefs regardless of doctrinal differences, shows that their presuppositions are based outside of the bounds of belief. View article →