The dangerous theology of Spiritual Breakthrough

“Spiritual breakthrough” is a term that seems to have more in common with animism and African Traditional Religion, than Christianity.  ATR and animism teach that there are evil forces that constantly bind and oppose us and we need to break through these oppressive forces to access God’s favour.

(PastorFish)  Many conferences and meetings, under the banner of Christianity, promise spiritual breakthroughs to take your faith to the next level.

There are books written about spiritual breakthroughs:

“Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough”

“Praying the Lord’s Prayer for Spiritual Breakthrough”

“Prayer Walking for Spiritual Breakthroughs”

“How to be patient while waiting for a Spiritual Breakthrough”

You can even buy anointed water for a spiritual breakthrough.

“Spiritual breakthrough” is a term that seems to have more in common with animism and African Traditional Religion, than Christianity.  ATR and animism teach that there are evil forces that constantly bind and oppose us and we need to break through these oppressive forces to access God’s favour.

Often in Africa, the pastor or so-called “Anointed Man of God” is seen as fulfilling the same role as the witchdoctor in ATR.  He can do some magic or say some prayer to get you to achieve spiritual or financial or whatever breakthrough.

A Christian website boldly asserts that there are three common stages for every Christian: burden, birthing and breakthrough.  The website promises,

“Explosive breakthroughs will come in your life as you continue to lift up the name of Jesus. Breakthroughs bring the favour of God on your life, which releases His plans for you. Soon, your doors will swing open, chains will fall off, and those standing by will marvel at your life.  Whether you are in a period of burden or birthing, remember that explosive breakthroughs are coming!”

What does the Bible say about spiritual breakthroughs?

Not surprisingly, the term or concept of Christians having “Spiritual breakthroughs” is not found in the Bible.  View article →