Baptists, Presbyterians, and Methodists Join March FOR Abortion in Kentucky

The marchers, part of a 30-city effort across the nation, also challenged the notion that abortion or homosexuality were important issues. The Higher Ground Moral Declaration, a statement put together by the clergy, said, “We challenge the position that the preeminent moral issues today are about prayer in public schools, abortion, and homosexuality.”

(Pulpit & Pen) Pro-abortion clergy members held a rally in Kentucky earlier this week. On Monday, September 10, the Higher Ground Moral Day of Action was held to promote the abortion of human beings. Clergy members from the Anglicans, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, and Unitarian-Universalists were among those who gathered to support abortion in the name of Christianity. Over one-hundred clergy members were in attendance. …

The clergy petitioned the government to consider, “the most sacred moral principles of our faith and constitutional values.” According to the clergy, these moral principles dictate, “the economic liberation of all people; ensuring every child receives access to quality education; healthcare access for all; criminal justice reform; and ensuring historically marginalized communities have equal protection under the law.”

Not included among their “sacred moral principles” was the right to not be ripped limb-from-limb in your homicidal mother’s womb. View article →


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