The Self-Indulgent Self-Idolatry of the Eastern Orthodox Church

“But this isn’t the only self-indulgent aspect of the Eastern Orthodox Mass. In it, you will find an overemphasis on a placid and pacific atmosphere designed to soothe the minds and consciousness of the worshipers. It is almost like a drug-induced state with a trance-inducing dose of incense, bells, extravagant iconography, and repetitive monotonic chanting. It actually has much more in common with a seance than Christian worship.”

(Jeff Maples – Reformation Charlotte)  A few years ago, I reported on the apostasy of the Bible Answer Man, Hank Hanegraaff when he defected from the Christian faith and joined the ranks of the sybaritic self-indulgent worship of the Eastern Orthodox Church….

Since then, the onslaught of attacks from these mystics has been interminable. Almost daily, one of these Pagan idolaters tries to convince me their religion is the “one true church” that was started by Jesus himself and all other expressions of Christianity are false.

Of course, the Roman Catholic Church makes this same spurious claim. To them, Protestantism is a new invention with no historical foundation. They are merely “protesting Catholics.” Biblical Christianity — which includes some Protestants — lay no claim to a historic institution, as there is no need. Biblical Christianity recognizes the true Church as a regenerate body of believers with Christ as the head. The only biblical institution is the local Church.  View article →


Hank Hanegraaff