Willow Creek Elders Release Statement Supporting the ‘Women’; Yet One Woman Says Hybels’ Sins Were ‘Far Worse’ Than Anyone’s Said Publicly

Dyer said she hopes the elders will provide more detail on Tuesday night about what led them to their conclusions. “I believe that detail, rather than causing unnecessary obscurity and harm, would help illuminate truth and give needed closure to … Continue reading 

The Cracks in the Edifice of Transgender Totalitarianism

“Western civilization is now gripped by a cultural cyclone that is blowing through such limitations with totalitarian force. Transgenderism has shaken the foundations of all we know to be true. Scientific knowledge is rejected and medical practice co-opted in service … Continue reading 

Holy and Blameless

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, 4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and … Continue reading 

Evangelical Leader Testifies for CA Resolution Pressuring Pastors to Affirm LGBT identities

Author, speaker and ordained pastoral counselor Joe Dallas expressed frustration with Mannoia’s endorsement on his Facebook page. “It’s very discouraging to hear that Dr. Kevin Mannoia, Chaplain of Azusa Pacific University, has testified in support of ACR 99, a California assembly … Continue reading 

Don’t be Shocked When Many ‘Christians’ Cheer the Criminalization of Christianity

“The number of supposedly Christian individuals whose moral compasses are calibrated to the spirit of the age rather than the authority of Scripture has become astounding.  Leaning on their own understanding, they choose the attributes of a god they want … Continue reading 

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts Joins Court’s Liberals in Blocking Louisiana Regulation on Abortionists

“Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan and John Roberts chose to grant the injunction against the law, which is identical to that in the case of Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, which the court struck down in 2016 … Continue reading 

The Hate For Melania’s Christmas Decor Is Even Worse This Year. Here Are The Many Cruel Things Leftists Are Saying.

“It’s 2018: It’s well-established that we live in hell. It only makes sense that the first lady’s Christmas decorations would match the bleakness of the Trump era.” (Paul Bois – Daily Wire)  You may love Melania Trump’s taste in Christmas … Continue reading