Lou Engle kissing the feet of a Pope Benedict appointee at Azusa Now event. (screenshot courtesy Herescope)
Wake up, brethren! Evangelicals are being lured into a web of deception by Church leaders we trust. Read the article we’re posting and you’ll find out who some of these people are.
They’re wolves! Run!!
For those who missed all the hype, on July 16 an event called Together 2016 was held at the Washington Mall. Thousands of professing Christians gathered together to pray for Jesus to “reset” the country and their lives. Sadly, attendees at the mall and on live stream were unaware that the event was rife with false teachers. They didn’t know that speakers and entertainers braved the blistering heat for one purpose: to reset the Reformation! What was the rallying cry? UNITE! With who? Our Catholic “brothers and sisters.”
In a piece over at Herescope, Gaylene Goodroad documents the NAR/dominionist’s plan to unite Protestants and Catholics. This is MUST READ for all serious Christians.