Explosive Proof from AFL: Trump Docs Case Was a Biden Plot

“This new timeline is further proof that President Biden’s Federal Bureau of Investigation raid on Mar-a-Lago was never about securing classified documents — it was always about weaponizing the full force of the Department of Justice against President Trump by whatever means necessary.”

(Mary Dowling) The classified documents case against President Trump was a sham prosecution involving the Biden White House from the start, long before NARA officially referred the classified documents to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for investigation. Continue reading

The Case Against Evil Stomach Goblins

(Jason Anderson – Clear Truth Media) Imagine for a moment that you were transported back in time to an ancient land where the people believed that illness was caused by evil goblins living in your stomach. How would you even begin to convince those people to adopt health practices based on the germ theory of disease?

You: One of the things that could keep you from getting sick is washing your hands before you eat.

Ancient Tribesman: Does washing the hands drown the evil goblins?

You: Well, no. Continue reading

Lee Zeldin Just Discovered $20 Billion Laundered by the Biden Admin

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) In a video announcement shared to social media Wednesday evening, EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin revealed that approximately $20 billion in taxpayer funds have been discovered laundered into external financial institutions during the Biden administration.

Zeldin underscored the urgency of accountability, declaring, “One of my very top priorities at EPA is to be an excellent steward of your hard-earned tax dollars. There will be zero tolerance of any waste and abuse.” Continue reading

Abiding in Christ vs Religion

28 Now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame at His coming. 29 If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone also who practices righteousness is born of Him. 1 John 2:28-29 (NASB) 

All who are truly in Christ must admit that this walk is fraught with doubt as well as pressure to conform to a form of godliness that has no power, to be faithful at doing church as the indication of our genuineness, as well as to live up to the idea that lost people have what a Christian must be…. Continue reading

Democrat Insiders Knew Joe Biden Was Getting Doped Up Before Public Events

“As a general overview, these are the people who made a living off their connection with Biden,” she said. “It’s like they were leeching off the Biden name for decades, and all of them realized that they would never work for another president. So they had to ride the gravy train all the way through—ride it to the very end. That’s why all of them refused to concede the truth, which is that Biden is unfit and would have been comatose by the time he was 86.”

(Matt Margolis – P Media) As the curtain closes on the Biden administration, former Democratic donor turned MAGA supporter Lindy Li has become a veritable whistleblower on the dysfunction and corruption that plagued her former party during the 2024 election. Continue reading

Tucker visited posh European Alps and discovered how Ukrainians are spending US tax dollars…

(Revolver) If you’ve been wondering where all your hard-earned tax dollars are going in Ukraine, wonder no more.

Tucker Carlson may have cracked the case during his recent trip to the very exclusive European Alps. And what did he find? Well, a whole lot of Ukrainians living the high life.

That’s right—the very people we’ve been told are suffering in a war-torn disaster zone are actually sipping champagne in ski lodges, courtesy of the American taxpayer…. Continue reading

Sen. Mike Lee: Constitution Empowers Congress to Tap American ‘Pirates’ to Fight Cartels

“If this sounds like it could be a Sylvester Stallone movie or the next installment of the John Wick series, then you are envisioning this in the right way. Think Pirates of the Caribbean, but with Jack Sparrow holding a piece of paper signed by President Trump empowering him to attack the other ship and seize its chests of gold and jewels.”

(Ken Klukowski – Breitbart) Americans could soon hold letters from President Donald Trump empowering them to attack violent gangs and drug cartels in pirate ships and by the border if Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) can persuade Congress to grant letters of marque and reprisal, he explained to Alex Marlow on Monday. Continue reading

Rick Warren Claims Jesus Was a Political Centrist Because He Was Crucified Between Two Thieves

“According to Warren’s logic, Jesus must be a squishy moderate on all things political. So what exactly would that look like? Let’s take this mindless claim to its natural conclusion.”

(The Dissenter) Rick Warren has never been known for theological depth, but every once in a while, he manages to produce something so astoundingly ridiculous that it demands a response.

His latest tweet is a shining example. In a bizarre attempt at political commentary, Warren claims that Jesus is “in the middle” because He was crucified between two thieves. His argument is that since Jesus was literally positioned between two criminals, He must also be some kind of cosmic centrist, hovering in the neutral ground between the left and the right. Continue reading

Lunatic Preacher Calls for Violence Against Elon Musk

(Mary Dowling) There was a credible threat against Elon Musk’s life yesterday, which is probably the reason he didn’t attend the Super Bowl with Donald Trump. And The Hill posted an article listing everyone connected to Elon with details that came close to doxxing. Then we have crazy pastors inciting the ‘Christian’ parishioners.

In his sermon, Reverend Steve Caudle at the Greater Second Missionary Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, called for violence against Elon Musk. Continue reading

Trump Orders Return to ‘Common Sense Standards’ on Appliances

“I am hereby instructing Secretary Lee Zeldin to immediately go back to my Environmental Orders, which were terminated by Crooked Joe Biden, on Water Standards and Flow pertaining to SINKS, SHOWERS, TOILETS, WASHING MACHINES, DISHWASHERS, etc., and to likewise go back to the common sense standards on LIGHTBULBS…”

(Nicole Weatherholtz – Newsmax) President Donald Trump ordered the immediate reversal of the Biden administration’s green energy regulations for household appliances Tuesday, as well as a return to the “common sense standards” on the environment enacted during his first White House term. Continue reading

Deep State’s #1 puppeteer gets his security clearance yanked by President Trump…

“Thanks to this latest move—along with so many others—President Trump is actually restoring the so-called “precious democracy” that Democrats have spent years hacking to pieces. And now, one of the biggest Swamp creatures can no longer cash in on his security clearance.” 

(Revolver) Here at Revolver, we cover the stories no one else will—the ones that expose the left’s broader agenda, from DEI and the censorship apparatus to the January 6 hoax. But beyond these major battles, one of the biggest schemes we’ve tracked is the Deep State’s shadow operations, orchestrated by one of the most influential puppeteers in the Swamp: Norm Eisen. Continue reading

Despite Failure After Failure, Bethel’s Bill Johnson Continues to Sell Faux Healing

“In 2019, Bethel orchestrated what can only be described as a modern-day necromantic ritual. A two-year-old girl had died suddenly, and rather than mourn as Christians—clinging to the hope of the resurrection to come—they launched a social media campaign under the hashtag #WakeUpOlive. They danced. They sang. They commanded her lifeless body to rise….”

(The Dissenter) In the ancient world, the sick and dying would embark on desperate pilgrimages to the sanctuaries of Asclepius, the Greek god of healing. These were not hospitals. These were temples—shrines of mysticism where hope and illusion walked hand in hand. Scattered across Greece, with major centers in Epidaurus, Kos, and Pergamon, these sites lured the suffering with empty promises of divine intervention, wrapped in elaborate rituals and sacred theater. Continue reading

Federal Judge Makes Ruling Against Trump Admin That Might As Well Be a ‘Soft Coup’

“The strategy of these left-wing judges is simple. They want to keep issuing TROs in favor of Democrat politicians and activists because that would theoretically keep the Trump administration in a type of legal purgatory, unable to appeal. It was one of their most effective tools during the president’s first term.” 

(Bonchie – Red State) The insane overstepping of the lower federal courts in defense of Democrat priorities has reached a new level of impropriety. On Monday, a judge in Rhode Island ruled that the Trump administration has violated a temporary restraining order and is now ordering the end of all spending freezes instituted by the White House. Continue reading


(Bill O’Reilly) Some very bizarre things happened in America last week, so let’s provide badly needed perspective.  My intent here is to simply state the truth, not to convince anyone of anything.

President Trump’s first three weeks in office have been mesmerizing.  In military parlance, he has launched a “blitzkrieg” of political changes designed to stun his opposition.  Every day there is something new and mostly designed to infuriate the liberal folks who hate him.  I am convinced Mr. Trump is having more fun than he’s ever had in his entire life. Continue reading

Firm Investigating Dr. Michael Brown Expands Scope of Inquiry

While the scope of the investigation is focused on the period of time that the initial allegations were made (2001-2002), all allegations of sexual abuse before or after these dates will be fully investigated.”

(Protestia) The law firm conducting a third-party investigation into sexual misconduct allegations against Dr. Michael Brown has announced that it is expanding the scope of its inquiry, covering any claims against him or those who may have covered it up for more years than previously tasked. Continue reading

The Separation of the Cross

19 After a little while the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also. John 14:19 (LSB) 

When our Lord spoke of the “world” in John 14:19, he was talking about those in this temporal existence who are not believers. They are not true Christians even though some in that group may profess to be so. In this context he was also referring to the Jewish religious leaders of his own day who so opposed him and his ministry and who would continue to oppose the early church as is seen all through the books of Acts for example. What is it that separates those alive in is this world who truly see Jesus for who he really is, believe and are saved from those who refuse to do so, reject the gospel, and remain in their sins, even if they may develop a form of Christianity that suits them that is absent of the real Jesus?

Continue reading

I Bet You Didn’t Know the Federal Government Has Been Funding Revoice, the ‘Gay Christian’ Ministry

“The endgame here is as obvious as it is underhdanded—weaken the church, create doctrinal confusion, breed division, and render evangelical political influence irrelevant. A church that affirms homosexuality is a church that will never again stand up against the moral insanity of the left. A church that embraces identity politics is a church that will never again have the moral clarity to hold the government accountable. A church that loses its spine is a church that will fall in line.”

(The Dissenter) I previously wrote to you demonstrating how the Democrat-backed federal government has been laundering money through USAID and other taxpayer-funded slush funds, funneling it into the hands of anti-American, anti-conservative faux Christian ministries like The After Party. Continue reading

Sam Storms Issues ‘Heartfelt Apology’ & Asks For Forgiveness For Defending Mike Bickle, Recommending IHOP

“We would suggest that he apologize to those [in discernment] writing the “many criticisms launched against Bickle” he mentioned defending against. Otherwise, we respect Storms for this statement, as it’s more than most in his position have ever done.”

(Protestia) In late 2023, Sam Storms, a member of the Council of The Gospel Coalition, past President of the Evangelical Theological Society, and former IHOPKC board member who ministered alongside Mike Bickle for nearly a decade, issued a statement saying that he found the allegations against his long time friend credible. Continue reading

Now We Know Who was Running the Country for Joe Biden

“It’s her revelations about what happened in the White House in the aftermath of Biden’s devastating performance in his June debate on CNN with Trump that are truly jaw-dropping.” 

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Have you noticed how leftists are losing their minds over Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency to expose rampant waste and corruption? As Musk uncovers shocking levels of mismanagement and even actions aiding America’s enemies, critics have launched coordinated attacks on him, implying that he’s the one who is actually running the White House. Continue reading

Exposing Government Funding Of Woke And Treacherous NGOs

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Yesterday, Evangelical Dark Web exposed the corruption of Christian media, highlighting how Christianity Today was given $1.8 million dollars in grants by the federal government. However, fake Christian media was not the only supposedly Christian organization to receive government dollars. In this article, the series will continue and focus on the treacherous and woke organizations, that were the primary beneficiaries of government subsidies.

The Traitors Continue reading

Trump’s appointment of ‘heretic’ Paula White as leader of White House faith office causes stir

“This is the worst decision President Trump has made since taking office… Paula White is a heretic, who pedals the prosperity gospel. Plus, women should not be pastors according to The Bible.”

(The Express Tribune) — President Donald Trump’s decision to appoint Paula White, a controversial televangelist and longtime spiritual adviser, as head of the reestablished White House faith office has ignited widespread criticism, especially from within the Christian community.

White, 57, is known for her association with the prosperity gospel movement, which teaches that faith can lead to material wealth and personal well-being. This belief has led many Orthodox Christian leaders to label her a “heretic.” Her appointment has prompted sharp reactions across social media, with critics questioning her qualifications and theological stance. Continue reading

The Leavened Lump in Our Daily Bread

(David Morrill – Protestia) For those of us who grew up in conservative evangelicalism, Our Daily Bread booklets were a staple of our church experience. The little pamphlet-sized devotionals, distributed since 1956, had Bible verses and insightful articles on a wide array of Christian topics. I still have a stack of late 80’s and early 90’s booklets somewhere in storage.

Yet much like other staples of parachurch ministry (Awana and Cru come to mind), Our Daily Bread Ministries has been infiltrated by the theological fad du jour – that is, wokism…. Continue reading

They’re dropping like flies: another fake news ‘legend’ gets axed…

(Revolver) You’d think another Trump term would be great news for the fake news media, right? After all, back in 2016, they feasted on Stage 5 TDS, churning out endless Trump-hate stories. The Russia Hoax, sham impeachments—you name it. They pushed the “Trump is evil” narrative, and for a while, it worked. Ratings were through the roof.

But these days that gravy train has gone off the rails. Thankfully, Americans have woken up. They see the regime-run media for what it is—propaganda. Turns out, Trump was never the second coming of Hitler or some raging racist…. Continue reading