In a piece entitled “The Walls of Jerico” over at News With Views, Lee Duigon informs us that people around the world are starting to push back against the ruling elite. “People in countries all over the world are cluing into the fact that their rulers’ agenda isn’t their agenda,” says Duigon. “[T]he politicians, the courts, the nooze media, the academics, the union bosses, the movie stars, and the whole self-anointed whoopee crowd want their countries to go to places that the people most emphatically don’t want their countries to go to: globalism, open borders, bigger and bigger government trending to world government, mass immigration … the overthrow of Christian faith and social ethics, and vast new tax regimes.” So they’ve begun to push back. Duigon believes it’s just the beginning.
Win or lose, Donald Trump’s candidacy is a sign that the days of a free ride for the ruling class are over. Like the TEA Party movement before it, Trump’s presidential bid gives voice and shape to a deep and general discontent. That discontent is not going to go away.
Because people all over the world are waking up and finding that their house has been robbed while they slept—robbed by the very persons whom they trusted to protect them: robbed by the leaders they elected. Thinking they were choosing public servants, they were only choosing masters.
The time has come to push back.