Grace to You is a supplement, not a substitute

What is John MacArthur’s position on the Grace to You online church services as a substitute for a believer’s hometown church?  GTY’s Jeremiah Johnson asked Dr. MacArthur what he thinks about this trend.  He writes:

John-Press-04Consider for a moment some of the tremendous privileges and blessings the Internet and technology affords believers these days.

Today we have the easiest and freest access to faithful Bible teaching that the church has ever enjoyed. On radio and streaming online, you can hear faithful expositors exalt and explain God’s Word at any time of the day or night. Moreover, you can dig through church history into the teaching legacies of godly men who helped protect and preserve the faith we hold so dear. And through the advent of smartphones, tablets, and other devices we routinely carry today, that immense wealth of Bible teaching and spiritual wisdom is never more than a couple taps away.

However, those technological advancements can actually short circuit the life of the church. Many believers today think they can get the teaching and worship they need from a church through ministries online. In fact, some people have told us bluntly that Grace to You has become their church.

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