Renew America has a piece by media critic Cliff Kincaid covering the expanding assault on traditional religious values. “The involvement of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner in the culture war – on the side of the liberal/left lobby – has been a shocking development,” says Kincaid. Another shocking development was hearing the news that Vice President Mike Pense, a conservative evangelical Christian, joined President Trump in siding with the powerful sexual rights lobby regarding Trump’s decision to let stand President Obama’s executive order on LGBT rights. Kincaid also tackles the Boy Scouts of America’s recent decision to permit girls who identify as boys to become Boy Scouts. He writes:
She’s been labeled the “Daughter-in-Chief” by the tabloids and, in this case, it appears to be the truth. According to several news accounts that have not been denied or debunked, Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, persuaded President Donald Trump to retain an executive order from the Obama administration that prohibits companies from doing business with the federal government unless they hire and promote open homosexuals and transgendered people.
The so-called “transgendered” are people confused about their “gender identity” who may be in various phases of transition to the opposite sex, in some cases involving gender mutilation and surgery. In short, they are DNA deniers, a category of people considered to be engaged in immoral and perverted conduct by the standards of traditional morality and religion.