In part 2 of a series on how to spot evil, Elizabeth Prata of The End Times deals with narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths of society. She explains how to spot people, including professing Christians, who exhibit antisocial behavior — and her depiction of these people is chilling. Evil “does come in a beautiful package,” says Prata. She warns us not to be, “lulled by Hollywood’s depiction of it and don’t be fooled if you unfortunately meet up with this kind of beautiful and deadly evil.”
What does the Bible tell us about evil? “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). So now listen to Elizabeth describe what’s under the light so that you won’t be fooled by appearances. She writes:
In part 1, I began with a reminder that evil exists. This reminder is necessary nowadays due to the increasing penchant of people to deny the fundamentals of the faith.
I also established that though we are all evil pre-salvation, there are degrees of evil within people that are more deadly than others. Not everyone is as bad as they could be, but some people are. These essays are about how not to be deluded if you unfortunately encounter one of these more evil people.
I ended the previous essay by showing that two of the most beautiful living organisms in the world are also beautiful, the very deadly water hemlock plant, and the deadly but beautiful cone snail. Oftentimes it is the most beautiful that is the most deadly.