Steven Kozar claims that Dr. Michael Brown lost all credibility on his Facebook wall by choosing to become a “cheerleader” for false teachers. Sadly, Dr. Brown, who is a highly regarded Bible scholar and host of The Line of Fire, has declined to compare the teaching of those who teach doctrines of devils (1 Tim 4:1) such as Jennifer LeClaire, Heidi Baker, Bill & Beni Johnson and others to Scripture. Brown has been chided for appearing on the shows of two notorious false teachers, Benny Hinn and Sid Roth.
In this piece over at Messed Up Church, Steven Kozer lays out the evidence that Dr. Michael Brown really “stepped in it”:
On May 5th, 2017, Dr. Michael Brown interviewed Jennifer LeClaire on his call-in radio show “The Line of Fire,” and after the interview segment was finished Chris Rosebrough called the show to ask Dr. Brown some tough questions about Jennifer LeClaire and her “Sneaky Squid Spirit.” There was a brief and interesting exchange between the two men.
I (Steven Kozar) wrote a blog post about the exchange where I said this about Dr. Michael Brown: “He’s a hyper-charismatic cheerleader with a big microphone and a very gullible audience.” (Here’s the full blog post with audio of the “Sneaky Squid Spirit” exchange between Dr. Brown and Chris Rosebrough: Michael Brown Can’t Defend “Sneaky Squid Spirit”-Repeatedly Changes the Subject)
Dr. Brown decided to make light of my quote and garner support from his Facebook friends by posting this: