Holly Pivec of Spirit of Error has sent up a warning flag about a popular European teacher who is up to his earlobes in New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) heresy. Pivec reveals that Torben Sondergaard promotes a core teaching of the NAR — God is restoring the lost offices of church governance, namely the offices of apostle and prophet. Discover what else this wolf teaches:
Many people have asked me what I know about Danish evangelist Torben Sondergaard, the founder of the Last Reformation movement, and whether he’s part of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).
In short, he is part of NAR. Although my area of focus has been on American leaders of NAR, I do want to draw people’s attention to this European teacher as someone to watch. Three things are clear about Sondergaard, based on a five-minute video clip from one of his teachings. This Youtube clip is titled “How to Remember the 5 Fold Church Ministry” and is part of a longer teaching by Sondergaard, titled “Reformation of the Church System.”
Related: Does The Last Reformation Get Back to the Book of Acts?