Pulpit & Pen examines what the meaning of heresy is. Included in this piece is a list of specified, defined heresies. Some of the examples given are: Antinomianism, Arianism, Modalism, Montanism, Pelagianism, Sabellianism, and the Galatian Heresy (works righteousness). All are prominent heresies. Because the visible Church is infested with heresy, believers must do as the Bereans did (Acts 17:11). We must read and study the scriptures to find out if someone’s teaching is true or if it is false.
P&P tells us what heresy is and what it is not — and what they consider damnable heresy:
Random Internet Denizen: John MacArthur is a heretic! Us: Why? Random Internet Denizen: Because he said you could accept the Mark of the Beast and still be saved! Us: What heresy is that? Random Internet Denizen: What do you mean? Us: Heresies have names. What is the name of that heresy? Random Internet Denizen: I don’t know. Us: So John MacArthur is a heretic, but you don’t know what kind of heretic? Random Internet Denizen: [silence]
That’s pretty much how the majority of heresy discussions go. The term is often – but not always – misapplied in various ways. Unfortunately, the term has been misapplied so frequently that some have thrown out the term altogether, and choose not to use it at all. But, heresy is a fine word. There’s no reason to throw it out. Heretic is a fine title to give someone, and there’s no reason we should stop. We just need to make sure that we’re using it correctly.