Several months ago I was in a discussion group on Facebook that I am fond of when I ran head-on into a “minister/pastor” who claimed to be an authority on something I confess I knew very a little about at that time. That subject was the Social Justice Gospel. He proclaimed that he and all those in his “church” were “Social Justice Warriors.” I tried very hard to rebuke much of what he and his friends were saying by using what the Word of God says the Gospel is and what it isn’t. Most of his friends disappeared from the discussion, but he was stubborn. He tried to tell me that my interpretation of the Gospel was a misunderstanding. I needed to be “awoken” to “wake up” to be “educated” and realize that as a white person I was inherently guilty of all the crimes suffered by his race, et cetera. I never told him that I was a mixed race person who actually viewed people as either Christian or not. When I wouldn’t budge, he got tired and left. I was baffled by the whole thing. What is going on?