There is no question that Jen Hatmaker, “evangelical wunderkind who is a one-woman columnist, book-writing machine, conference speaker and all-around mom of five kids and pastor’s wife,” is trying to change minds about what the scriptures teach on hot button social issues. As we’ve pointed out before, she follows the same basic playbook as Progressive (Social Justice) “Christians” such as Rob Bell. We’ve posted numerous articles to show you that Jen has both feet firmly planted in Religious Left ideology. When she and husband, Brandon, came out in support of the LGBTQ+ community a few years ago, they were well aware that their statement would cause a big brouhaha in the evangelical community. Why? Because in so doing the couple chose to deny the biblical teaching on marriage, sexuality and family.
That was then.This is now. Today JD Hall reports that “Hatmaker posted a long-winded status on Facebook that claims Jesus came to affirm the LGBT community, as well as to accomplish other leftist agenda items.”
Which Bible has the pastor’s wife been reading?
Hall has more on Jen Hatmaker’s disturbing tweet over at Pulpit & Pen:
When Pulpit & Pen first warned about Jen Hatmaker, she was still one of Lifeway’s best-selling authors. Eventually, she crossed the threshold into heresy such that not even Lifeway could tolerate (and that’s saying something). Hatmaker, a popular mommy-blogger and pseudo-Christian teacher came out in support of the sin of sodomy in 2016, and Lifeway subsequently stopped selling her antibiblical material. Since then, Hatmaker has received even greater stardom and fame, being a constant figure on the leftist speaking circuit, propelling herself forward as a champion of LGBT inclusivism and speaking out against “patriarchy.” Recently, Hatmaker tweeted that she wanted to be baptized an Episcopalian by a pro-gay bishop and her (still) good friend and compatriot, Beth Moore, ‘liked’ her tweet.
Hatmaker’s affirmation of sodomy came not long after Obergfell vs Hodges, indicating that the dictates of the United States judiciary are what truly inform her moral resolve. She was immediately championed by the evangelical left for her bravery. Today, Hatmaker posted a long-winded status on Facebook that claims Jesus came to affirm the LGBT community, as well as to accomplish other leftist agenda items.
As a leader and author, pastor and teacher, let me just be positively clear where I stand on a few things. In the most outrageous twilight zone ever, these issues have now become “partisan” but to me, these are purely a matter of my faith which compels me. I will always champion a working faith ethic that:
Progressive (Social Justice) “Christianity”