“Of course this foolish act sparks a concern for Moore, Jones, and the thousands of women participating in the lesson in which Jones knelt. She is leading many astray. It’s a concern because it demonstrates how far gone Moore is into Social Justice, one aspect of which is seeking redress from people who have not hurt you personally but are lumped into some group defined by age, gender, and such. Her tweet and Jones’s action also perpetuates the false victim mentality.”
(Elizabeth Prata – The End Time) When someone is a false teacher, their perfidy can show almost immediately, as it did with Charles Templeton. Or it can be hidden for a number of years and emerge slowly and minimally, as has happened to Beth Moore.
A writer at The King’s Dale was an early discerner of Moore, at least publicly online. In 2013 he had discerned her danger and wrote about her teaching. Dale said,
The 5 major types of her false teaching to be reviewed are:
Personal non-Biblical revelation False gospel of pragmatism, self-improvement and prosperity Legalism Glorification of humanity Roman Catholicism as a Christian denomination
Moore’s false doctrines primarily result from her mishandling of the Bible. She repeatedly demonstrates the following errors in her books and videos: Eisegesis Proof texting Improper allegorical interpretation Poor knowledge of the canon of Scripture and methods of translation
The above issues with Moore’s teaching remain the same, if not worse, and other concerns have been added to them by this date. Chris Rosebrough of Pirate Christian Radio chimed in soon after The King’s Dale did and went line by line through one of her teachings, biblically showing where Moore errs. He has done so several times since.
I’ve been tracking her since 2011. In the last 7 years Moore’s slide has become apparent. Her eisegesis, false notions, and cultural embeddedness have grown worse.
Remember, if you are a Christian, your trajectory will always go higher. The indwelling Holy Spirit will always grow you. If you are a pagan, your trajectory will always grow worse. Always. Romans 1:21-32 shows this. In addition, 2 Timothy 3:13 says,
while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.
Progressive (Social Justice) “Christianity”