“In our ongoing investigations into Christalignment we also found that they plagiarised/stole the work of others. When Bethel defended Christalignment, they stated that the group existed as ‘disguised outreach’ for New Age events. However, Christalignment make no attempt to ‘disguise’ their true occult identity at churches and ‘Sexpos’ … clearly proving that Ben Fitzgerald, Bethel and Christalignment are prepared to lie in order to silence any criticism.”
(Churchwatch Central) Towards the end of last year Bethel Church Redding, California attempted to distance themselves from a group in Australia who practice and promote witchcraft. This particular group engaged in New Age and occultic practices such as tarot card readings, stone readings, rain/spirit dancing, connecting to energies/heavens/angels/warrior spirits and practicing henna tattooing. (CWC thoroughly established that this group practices tarot card reading and occultic henna art.)
Church Watch Central exposed how Bethel had one of its ‘own’ connected with Christalignment. Bethel pastor Ben Fitzgerald’s mother and Christalignment leader Jen Hodge are up front in stating that their ministry is not about leading people to salvation and making disciples but to “to get them into a brand new relationship with God” [link]. Bethel leadership could not deny their connection to Christalignment and as a result, they retracted their statement against Christalignment.
To add fuel to the fire, Jen Hodge, lied to Bethel leadership and changed her website in order to publicly attack discerning Christians who were confronting her over her occult practices. And Bethel leadership Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton and Theresa Dedmon, appeared to have no issue with Jen Hodge’s behaviour. Defending the occultic Christalignment resulted in Bethel acting with hostility towards sincere Christians, attacking them publicly. To this day Jen Hodge’s son, Ben Fitzgerald, (who is a BSSM graduate, Bethel pastor and Bethel missionary) continues to defend his mother’s practicing ‘witchcraft’ in the name of Jesus.