Chris Pratt Defends Hillsong-Affiliated Celebrity Church, Says Neither He Nor They Are Anti-Gay

“Evangelicals are so enamored with pop-culture they are eager to jump on any bandwagon that may have an ichthys bumper sticker on the back.”

(JD Hall – Pulpit & Pen)  Be careful who you make into a Christian celebrity. This should be the warning found nearly every time evangelicals make a hero out of a Hollywood celebrity who has a public Jesusy moment. In defense of his Hillsong-affiliated church, actor Chris Pratt claims that neither he nor they are anti-LGBTQ.

After Chris Pratt vaguely mentioned the religion of Christ in an acceptance speech on MTV, evangelicals enamored with pop-culture immediately and metaphorically hoisted the actor upon their shoulders, convinced they had found a new hero, the kind of which we haven’t seen since Tim Tebow. Relevant Magazine, Charisma Mag, and other publications lauded it as a sermon of a lifetime. Even ostensibly “Reformed” Jacob Denhollander (best known for capitalizing on the fame of his wife, sex-abuse victim and advocate, Jen Denhollander) claimed that Pratt’s Gospel presentation was better than that of Mike Pence at the Southern Baptist’s annual convention (which we debunked, here).

Pratt has since divorced his long-time wife and has moved on with a newer model. View article →

