Southern Baptist Convention Leaders Taking SBC Far From Its Biblical Moorings

Lighthouse Trails has a letter to the editor written by Lettie McNeece. Mrs. McNeece is concerned with SBC’s stances on contemplative spirituality, immigration, social justice gospel,  re-distribution of wealth, alliances with Muslims, Mormons, the Pope of Rome, and so on. She has been pro-active in trying to help SBC pastors in her own home state. Following is the letter she penned:

As a Southern Baptist, I am concerned that powerful leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention are taking the denomination far from its biblical moorings. Bureaucracy within the organization is to blame, as are a few mega-church pastors who take turns filling decision-making posts whether elected or appointed. What can Southern Baptists do to stop the march toward progressivism and apostasy?

Most Southern Baptists who believe the denomination is standing strong on moral issues would be shocked to hear leadership double-talk concerning the normalization of LGBT behavior and involvement in Revoice. Also shocking are stances on contemplative spirituality, immigration, social justice/social gospel, and wealth re-distribution. Alliances with Muslims, Mormons and the Pope have led to compromises in the presentation of the Gospel. The Gospel has also been distorted through LifeWay Bookstore’s sale of books and literature written by false teachers.

It appears some SBC policymakers care more about what is politically and spirituality “correct” than what is biblically correct. We must remember not to be “unequally yoked with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteousness and what communion hath light with darkness.”

Russell Moore and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission are behind much of what is wrong in the SBC. In an article titled “Cultural Seduction and the Demise of the Southern Baptist Convention,” Jeff Maples said Moore has “dedicated his life and career to changing the dynamics of a denomination that once stood on the authority of the Scripture and the power of the gospel . . . to a voting bloc that seeks to radically change the culture in ways that true conservatives would detest.”  View article →


Southern Baptist Convention

Social Justice “Christianity”