“An advocate of the now largely defunct Emergent Church, Peterson actually encouraged people not to read or study the Bible. Peterson created a Bible paraphrase that was as least like the Bible as humanly possible, because Peterson wanted people to avoid God’s Word as much as possible.”
(Pulpit & Pen) Beth Moore recently likened the author of The Message “translation” – perhaps the worst Bible translation in the history of mankind – to Jane Austen, John Steinbeck, and Ludwig von Beethoven. If you know anything about Bible translation, this is face-palmingly stupid.
Beth Moore is to a serious theologian what Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez is to a political scientist. She’s a woman who’s lived well past her cuteness when she first got attention as a church aerobics instructor in tights. P&P and others in discernment believe that it has become increasingly apparent that LifeWay ghost writes her books and Bible studies. They slap her name across it as a marketing tool because when Beth Moore speaks without the filter of an editing board, her vast ignorance of theology is palpable.

Eugene Peterson, who died in October of 2018, came out in support of gay marriage in 2017. He walked back his comments after LifeWay threatened to pull his material.