“The Gospel Coalition believes in Gilson so much that not only is she a contributor at TGC, she is promoted in TGC as an upcoming speaker at TGC Women’s Training Network conference. The Women’s Training Network is The Gospel Coalition’s attempt to undermine Biblical Complementarianism.”
(Pulpit & Pen) A Gospel Coalition writer and conference speaker has come out in full support of gay marriage at a Cru Conference of college students. She is scheduled to speak at another TGC Conference in September and is a part of TGC Women’s Training Network.

Cru, which serendipitously took Christ out of their name as part of a 2012 re-branding effort, is spreading the Social Gospel to college students instead of the real Gospel and is promoting pro-sodomy sentiments instead of doing evangelism.

The tweet is actually a quotation from Rachel Gilson. Gilson, Reformation Charlotte failed to mention (they’re busy) is a contributor to The Gospel Coalition. We wrote about Gilson in a 2018 post entitled The Gospel Coalition Says Church Should Be ‘Safe Space’ for Homosexuals. In that article for TGC, Gilson demanded that church prioritize the comfort of gays in the church (over their spiritual conviction).