“Always you’re surprised by who all of a sudden defects. And what causes that? Well briefly, ‘Certain persons have crept in unnoticed.’ Persons of influence, teachers in seminaries, writers, theologians, but false teachers. That is they’re inside the Christian wall. They’re part of the church. They’re supposedly representatives of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.”
(Enemies Within The Church) Predictions of a split in the Southern Baptist Convention have intensified since the infamous “Resolution 9,” which endorsed Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality as useful “analytical tools,” was passed during the Convention meeting in June….
However, the first signs of a split within evangelical Christianity are not coming from the Southern Baptist Convention, at least directly.It did not escape notice when John MacArthur was not included in the speaker line up for Together for the Gospel’s 2020 T4G conference. Conversely, T4G speakers and Shepherd’s Conference regulars, Mark Dever, Al Mohler, and Ligon Duncan, were not included in the initial 2020 Shepherd’s Conference line up at MacArthur’s Grace Community Church.
This past Tuesday, while speaking to The Master’s Seminary student body, John MacArthur stated:
“There seems to be less and less willingness to fight these days among many evangelical leaders. They seem to be capitulating to whatever the whims of the culture happen to be. And that is because we now are into about the 4th decade of pragmatism and it has sucked all the masculinity out of so many people who are unwilling to take a strong stand when it may be unpopular.”