6 In pointing out these things to the brethren, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, constantly nourished on the words of the faith and of the sound doctrine which you have been following. 1 Timothy 4:6 (NASB)
From January 1986 until the late fall of 2005 I probably would have, if asked, responded to the question in the title that Christianity is a life or at least a relationship while doctrine, though unnecessary, helps us understand that….
I didn’t really believe during that time that doctrine was of any real value. Why? My whole understanding of Christianity is that it is based on my experience. For some odd reason I didn’t think much past that in an attempt to understand why my experience would be so radically different than other Christians’ experience.
Let us reason together here. Lay aside, for now, your preconceived notions that Christianity is based entirely in our experiences and feelings. I know that most professing believers hold this because of the way we disciple new believers. How often have you seen Christians unintentionally put down their weaker brethren by relating their “experiences” in our faith and implying that they are what all believers should be experiencing or they are not mature or maybe not really saved?