RefuseFascism uses ANTIFA-like tactics, Organizer Claims they Received Money from Soros, Met with Steyer Advisor

(Project Veritas) RefuseFascism Organizer: “…you’ll see, there’s people even in the Hillary campaign worked with RefuseFascism because they see the danger.”

    • Head of the Atlanta Chapter of RefuseFascism, Tee Stern: “We Actually Did Get a Grant from Them (Soros) Around – We Started a Thing Called a National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers.”
    • National Organizer for RefuseFascism, Andy Zee: “…I Believe He (Steyer) Has Political Ambitions, and He Might Not Want to Be Directly Connected.”

  • National Organizer for RefuseFascism, Andy Zee: “…Steyer might not want to be connected” “…Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, this at a certain point dominates the national news…it’s a very disruptive force.”
  • National Organizer for RefuseFascism, Andy Zee: “…we’re meeting with his (Tom Steyer) main adviser on impeachment. We’ve been talking to his assistant, he first said he was going to meet, he made the announcement…”  View article →

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