The Time for Talking with the Left is Long, Long Past

“Conservatives must accept this hard reality and avoid the aforementioned instinctive, very human but in this case deadly habit: projection. This is when you ascribe your own mindset, priorities and sense of virtue to others. But vanguard leftists aren’t like you. As with the Devil, they can’t be talked out of their passions or reasoned out of their malevolence. They are as aliens — and they do not come in peace.”

(Selwyn Duke – American Thinker)  “People who cannot be reasoned with can only be fought.” It’s an age-old truth, one good people ignore at their own peril. It too often is ignored, though, since good people are mostly reasonable and, in accordance with man’s nature, engage in projection. They thus assume that others are as reasonable as they are.

It’s reasonable to assume that mentioning right now the futility of reasoning with the Left is motivated by the election. It’s also, in my case, untrue. I’ve for decades recognized that devout leftists, emotion-driven and vice-ridden, operate by occultist Aleister Crowley’s “principle,” “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” But now, with the Left stealing an election after have stolen our whole culture and increasingly achieving its ends through violence, more people may accept this message.

When presenting logical arguments to advance a position, which is what I as a commentator do, I’ve at times heard from readers who’d lament that it was a waste of time because leftists wouldn’t listen. What they misunderstood is that those arguments were never, ever intended for the Left.

What must be applied here is “political/cultural triage.” This paradigm’s first group is the “Choir”; while its members are on your side, it still is beneficial “preaching” to them to “fire up the troops” and because “iron sharpens iron.”

The second group is the “Middlers”; not wholly blinded by ideology and being at least somewhat open-minded, they often can be reached with logos, ethos or pathos or a good combination thereof.

Then there’s the last group: the Initiated. Called “leftists” today, they have disordered thinking; married to misbegotten passions and, disconnected from reason and operating emotionally, they’re the sort that inspired the Jonathan Swift sentiment (I’m paraphrasing), “You cannot reason a man out of a position he has not reasoned himself into.”

Of course, one here and there may see the light if they experience something akin to a religious conversion. But you will not reach them with logic or anything else — and it’s a waste of time trying. They are, so to speak, damned.

So how should we regard vanguard leftists, the Machiavellian destroyers of civilizations? How can you be prepared for them? Well, pretend you’re dealing with Satan.

You can view this purely as a thought exercise if you’re non-religious. But know that the enemy — and that is what leftists are — is above nothing and beneath contempt. They will say anything and do anything to achieve their ends, which they believe justify the means; no lie is too great, no theft too grand, no contradiction too bold, no sacrifice of life too unpalatable. Moral relativists/nihilists to the core, they have boiled their behavioral guide down to: “If it feels good, do it.”

Conservatives must accept this hard reality and avoid the aforementioned instinctive, very human but in this case deadly habit: projection. This is when you ascribe your own mindset, priorities and sense of virtue to others. But vanguard leftists aren’t like you. As with the Devil, they can’t be talked out of their passions or reasoned out of their malevolence. They are as aliens — and they do not come in peace.

Their no-holds-barred attitude is apparent to all with eyes to see. They have

  • continually attacked us traditionalists and fomented unrest at our political events while accusing us of authoring violence;
  • visited career and reputational destruction upon those who dare speak unfashionable truths while accusing those truth-tellers of intolerance;
  • used government agencies such as the IRS and FBI to persecute us while accusing us of endangering the republic;
  • played the identity politics card and demonized whites while accusing conservatives of being divisive, racist and bigoted;
  • conspired with foreign powers to undermine our nation while accusing us of treasonous behavior;
  • enabled China, an imperialistic foe and a clear and present danger to our country;
  • endeavored to steal an election after having wrongly accused conservatives of thus doing in 2016;
  • abetted an invasion of our nation in order to raise an alien electoral army that can help them seize power;
  • mismanaged a pandemic and caused death while using it as a pretext for stripping our liberties, “locking down” the country and destroying people’s livelihoods;
  • corrupted our children with perversion and scarred their bodies, minds and souls;
  • facilitated the murder of the unborn while accusing us of indifference to the vulnerable;
  • prosecuted conservatives on trumped up charges while shielding their co-ideologists from justice;
  • called truth “hateful” or “misinformation” and censored it via Big Tech while presenting convenient lies as “fact”;
  • encouraged violent mobs to create mayhem and attempted to strip the imperiled of the capacity for self-defense while sometimes being protected themselves by armed details;
  • attacked our history and heroes and destroyed our cultural heritage while effecting their own “Year Zero,” dystopian transformation;
  • indoctrinated the young in schools to transform them into foot soldiers in the leftist campaign of civilizational rape;
  • attacked our nation’s foundational faith, Christianity, while spreading corruptive moral relativism and destructive theologies; and
  • degraded society with perverted science while accusing us of scientific obscurantism.  View article →


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