41 May Your lovingkindnesses also come to me, O Yahweh,
Your salvation according to Your word; 42 So I will have an answer for him who reproaches me, For I trust in Your word.43 And do not take away the word of truth utterly from my mouth, For I wait for Your judgments. 44 So I will keep Your law continually,
Forever and ever. 45 And I will walk in a wide place, For I seek Your precepts. 46 I will also speak of Your testimonies before kings And I shall not be ashamed. 47 I shall delight in Your commandments, Which I love. 48 And I shall lift up my hands to Your commandments, Which I love; And I will muse on Your statutes. Psalms 119:40-48 (LSB)
The more I study doctrine and research the incredible variances of those held by theologians and denominations the more I realize there are really only two types. One type is focused solely on God’s Glory and is dynamically linked to His sovereignty. The other type (which includes all but God-focused Christianity) is Man based….
This type either elevates man above or equal to God in responsibility and glory. The latter type will be those doctrines which “seem right” to most people. When the former are presented, they will cause those espousing their man-glorifying doctrines to be seized by apoplexy when they hear them. The type which is God focused is not politically correct. Why? Those who hold to the second type of doctrines have a false view of God and a false view of Man. Those who hold to the first type of doctrines have the view that God is sovereign and Man, without God’s grace, is completely dead in trespasses and sins. This view says Man is Totally Depraved in his natural state and can do nothing to gain salvation. The “man based” doctrines say Man does have the ability to seek God and can do so if he desires. The “God based” doctrines say God must extend His Grace to save Man from spiritual death. By now, I am sure you know which one I hold. Well you should as well. Why?