(The Dissenter) The Netflix series “CoComelon Lane,” a popular show aimed at toddlers, has recently raised eyebrows for an episode featuring a young boy dressed in a tutu and tiara dancing for his two homosexual “dads.” In this particular episode, the boy, Nico, is seen trying to decide what to wear for a family photo session. His dads encourage him to “just be you,” leading Nico to choose a tutu and tiara. This scene is part of a song and dance sequence where Nico also tries on a firefighter and chef outfit before settling on the tutu and tiara.
It’s increasingly clear that the left is employing children’s entertainment as a battlefield for ideological indoctrination. These aren’t mere stories or innocent cartoons, they are carefully crafted vessels of progressive ideology, deliberately targeting the most impressionable among us. The strategy is as transparent as it is insidious—to normalize aberrant sexualized behavior and undermine traditional family structures under the guise of entertainment, directed at toddlers and young children.
Research: Homosexual – LGBTQ Agenda
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