Tulsi on Dr. Fauci: They Rejected Science, Rejected the Truth

“We also know that Fauci‘s team was exposed during the hearing yesterday, and they worked behind the scenes to cover up the origins of the COVID outbreak. They knew about it. He was CCed on those emails and then lied to Congress about it.”

(Mary Dowling) Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard gave a clear and poignant analysis of yesterday’s hearing with Dr. Anthony Fauci. She said that Dr. Fauci is the latest example of the ‘Democratic’ elite in Washington and their crusade for control and more power, which comes at the cost of our freedom.

Dr. Fauci is among the worst offenders.

“Who are these Democrat elite – “Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and also unelected officials like Fauci, who has shown throughout his entire career, serving under both Democrat and Republican administrations, through his actions, that he serves his own interest and the interest of big Pharma and big government consistently over the interest of the American people.” View article →


Dr. Anthony Fauci


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