BREAKING: Verdict Reached in Hunter Biden Trial

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Hunter Biden was found guilty on three felony charges for illegally buying and possessing a gun while addicted to crack cocaine. Federal law expressly makes it illegal for individuals using illicit drugs to possess firearms. He could face 25 years in prison and fines for the conviction.

The quickness of the jury’s return had most experts predicting a guilty verdict.

The outcome of this trial was hard to predict. Unlike the New York case against Trump, the evidence against Hunter Biden was substantial and incontrovertible….

However, like the Trump case, the jury pool, based out of Wilmington, Delaware, was mostly likely biased, only this time, in favor of the defendant, not against him. First Lady Jill Biden was present most days of the trial, likely serving as a reminder that if they found him guilty, they’d be convicting the son of Joe Biden, the man that most of these jurors voted for president, and voted for years as their U.S. Senator. View article →


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