They Never Saw It Coming

How could such things be? What? You mean people don’t want unchecked Muslim immigration into Europe? Say it ain’t so, Joe! They don’t want their countries’ sovereignty chipped away by a lot of socialist wackos in the World Economic Forum—who despise the plebs and call them “useless eaters”?…

(Lee Duigan – News With Views) Leftists like to present themselves to us as The Smartest Persons In The World. We’re just a lot of racist hicks—no wonder they run rings around us.

But some of those rings are only circles: round and round and round they go, to what purpose, no one knows.

Nevertheless, three times on the last few weeks, these geniuses have been caught napping by events they should’ve foreseen a mile off. No one but a “progressive” would have been the least surprised by any of it. But then most of us aren’t distracted by any need to build a pedestal and pose on top of it. View article →


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