Another Mysterious Monolith Appears, This Time North of Las Vegas Valley

“I come up here most days and I’ve never seen this before, It almost looks like a UFO.” 

(Rick Moran – PJ Media) In November 2020, a helicopter from the Utah Dept. of Public Safety Aero Bureau was conducting a routine headcount of bighorn sheep in the Red Rock area. A biologist with the team could barely believe his eyes when the copter flew over a metal monolith sticking out of the ground, right in the middle of nowhere.

A few days later, the monolith was removed by four “Moab-based recreationists Andy Lewis, Sylvan Christensen, Homer Manson, and an anonymous companion.” It’s unknown if the four men had a hand in putting the monolith there.

“Somebody took the time to use some type of concrete-cutting tool or something to really dig down, almost in the exact shape of the object, and embed it really well,” said Lt. Nick Street, a spokesman for the Department of Public Safety. “It’s odd. There are roads close by, but to haul the materials to cut into the rock, and haul the metal, which is taller than 12 feet in sections — to do all that in that remote spot is definitely interesting.” View article →




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