The woke Christian
Compost Post is not to be trusted. Check out the article below for more on why CRN does not recommend that site.
(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) One of the most pervasive lies often used to peddle open borders is that Jesus was a refugee. As we have often reported, Evangelical leaders support open borders and giving amnesty to people who have invaded the United States. Christian Post is perhaps the most neoconservative outlet in Christian news. Sometimes they post great opinion pieces. More often they cater to liberal narratives and support a certain foreign lobby.
Jalil Dawood wrote an article for Christian Post titled, “Refugees are dear to the heart of God” in a clumsy attempt to advocate open borders for third-world refugees.
Jesus was a refugee. Soon after his birth, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, warning him to take the family to Egypt so Jesus wouldn’t be killed by King Herod. And they stayed there until Herod died.
Christian Post Hires Heretic We Warned About