The Chosen: Isn’t the Biblical Account ‘Good’ Enough?

We don’t expect The Chosen to be a biblically accurate show. Dallas Jenkins has been clear that 95% of what is in the script is made up, so it isn’t a surprise that he would add a mythical tale of the NBN to the story to make it a more exciting and compelling mythical episode of The Chosen, and leave the viewer saying, “I didn’t know that.” The viewer should not feel bad, as Luke did not know it either!

(Don & Joy Veinot – Midwestern Christian Outreach) A favorite pastime for some popular teachers today is to find new and exciting biblical “insights” to share with others. These “new discoveries” can quickly take on a life of their own and grow unchecked and unchallenged. We think if something has been unknown or especially “secret” down through the ages, that would be a very good reason to be skeptical about it, but instead, it appears to draw people in. The “Old Stuff” is OLD, after all….

People want to learn new spiritual stuff – things not generally identified with the fairly narrow-minded “faith of our fathers.” Unfortunately, however new and exciting, these new “discoveries” are not “biblical” at all. The late Dr. Michael Heiser gathered quite a popular following by drawing on non-biblical source material to share fascinating “biblical” accounts from the Book of Enoch. For the record, the Book of Enoch was not considered inspired and, therefore, not included in the canon of the Old Testament by the Nation of Israel. It may be a somewhat interesting extra-biblical book, but the Scriptures are the final rule of authority for faith and practice, and other works must be subject to it. This search to “improve” the Word of God has led many astray with “myths and endless genealogies.” (1 Timothy 1:4)  View article →


CRN has compiled a list of false teachers and several other professing Christians we’ve warned you about over the years. The list also contains those we must keep an eye on plus movements, organizations and “frauds, phonies and money-grubbing religious quacks” to mark and avoid as per Romans 16:17-18 such as Dallas Jenkins.



Popular TV Series, The Chosen, Parades Cameraman Decked Out in Pride Gear During Recording


The Chosen

The Enneagram


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