Joe Biden Was Definitely Going to Attack Trump on This in the Debate. He Can’t Now.

(Matt Vespa – PJ Media) I would have never thought Snopes would be the one to drop an atomic bomb on liberal America like this—but here we are. One of the popular liberal myths about Donald Trump is the ‘both sides’ event after Charlottesville, where the media and Democrats for years have alleged Donald Trump was referring to the neo-Nazis that assembled during that Unite the Right rally, which left dozens injured and a woman dead after one white supremacist drove his car through a crowd of counter-protesters.

It’s the event that reportedly spurred Joe Biden to run for president. There is no doubt that Biden’s debate team was prepping him to sneak this attack line in the upcoming debates, and now they can’t. We’ll see who is truly prepared because Snopes shredded this liberal talking point, rating it “false.” We’ve known for years it was, as have you, but it’s now official: the ‘very fine people on both sides’ myth about Trump is dead (via Fox News) [emphasis mine]:  View article →


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