Meet the Latest Deviant to Join the Biden Admin

“Cherry not only worked as a Media Matters hack but also spent the last three years speaking on behalf of OUR Department of Interior—when he wasn’t busy attacking police, promoting Hamas, and calling for ICE to be abolished.”

(Paula Bolyard – PJ Media) Some days, I wake up and look at the news and wonder if Biden is trying to lose the election. Maybe he’s just sick and tired of the whole thing, and despite the prodding of DOCTOR Mrs. Jill Biden, he’s throwing in the towel.

Then again, maybe the loons running Biden are trying to sabotage him.

How else do you explain his newly appointed associate comms director, Tyler Cherry? Either someone didn’t do their due diligence in hiring him (or her or whatever it identifies as) or Meet the Media Matters alumnus who is now speaking on behalf of the president of the United States: View article →


Research: Homosexual – LGBTQ Agenda

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