Christless Conservatism: Atheists and False Teachers Invited to Preach at TPUSA’s ‘Believers’ Summit’

“False teachers invited to speak at the event are well-known prosperity gospel charlatan, Jentizen Franklin, faux pseudo-historian, David Barton, and several others who’ve exchanged the gospel for politics. Unfortunately, it’s sad to see some otherwise good faces mixed in with such people….This kind of pragmatism—uniting with atheists, false teachers, and those who dilute the Gospel for political purposes—reflects a movement that is devoid of any real faith.”

(The Dissenter) Turning Point USA (TPUSA) under Charlie Kirk has long presented itself as a defender of conservative values, but a closer examination reveals a troubling trajectory—one that increasingly waters down Christianity and dilutes the Gospel. TPUSA isn’t just a political movement, it’s marketed as a Christian movement with an entire branch of the organization dedicated to “faith.” Yet, time and time again, TPUSA has demonstrated not just a serious lack of discernment, but active promotion of that which dilutes and perverts the gospel.

In a previous article, we described TPUSA as a “gateway drug to liberalism” within the conservative movement. By platforming and promoting active and open, practicing homosexuals, TPUSA has abandoned the objective moral standards set by God, turning conservatism into a self-serving ideology. This isn’t conservatism that honors God—it’s a movement seeking broader appeal by compromising essential truths. View article →


Controversial Christian historian David Barton…misinterpretations…errors…and Glenn Beck by Marsha West

CRN has compiled a list of false teachers and several other professing Christians we’ve warned you about over the years. The list also contains those we must keep an eye on plus movements, organizations and “frauds, phonies and money-grubbing religious quacks” to mark and avoid as per Romans 16:17-18


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