God’s Most Favored Nation

“These despicable people are putting their own venal wants above the good of the nation.  They all know Biden’s mental state is putting the nation in danger. As a believer, I, like the crafters of the Declaration of Independence, believe God has imposed the most favored nation status on the United States.  That’s what we celebrate on July 4: freedom granted to us as a human right.”

(Bill O’Reilly) So what now?  The world’s most powerful country finds itself in a political conundrum.  President Biden has been unmasked before the entire world.  What was definitively known by only a few Biden insiders is now an undeniable fact: the most powerful man in the world is mentally diminished beyond fixing.

Jill Biden and the White House progressives who hid the truth from the folks should be forever shunned.  This is not some game here despite the ignorant daily displays of the corrupt media – buffoons who have sold their souls to promulgate destructive propaganda.  No, this is life and death as brutal enemies plan their next atrocities: Ukraine, the October 7 slaughter, concentration camps in Uighur, China, the mass importation of fentanyl from Mexico.

And then there’s your house….  View article →



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