Jesus Christ Is Donald Trump’s Security Detail

(Joy Pullmann – The Federalist) It’s clear by now that the U.S. Secret Service is not a very elite security detail. Random, weaponless rallygoers paid more serious attention to the would-be assassin before he fired than the allegedly professional team assigned to Donald Trump on Saturday. Trump’s security detail did not secure him. Someone else did.

The Person who saved Trump’s life — and our nation from dangerous social unrest — is Jesus Christ. It is not random that wind gusts were present in just the right amount to have shifted the bullet’s course from fatal to flesh wound. It is not accidental that Trump turned his head at precisely the right second to avoid sudden death.

To phrase it as Whittaker Chambers did in explaining his conversion from atheism to Christianity, which began when he watched his toddler eating: “My eye came to rest on the intricate convolutions of her ear — those intricate, perfect ears. The thought passed through my mind: ‘No, those ears were not created by any chance coming together of atoms in nature. … They could have been created only by immense design.’ … I did not then know that, at that moment, the finger of God was first laid on my forehead.” View article →


Where Would You Find Yourself If Your Life Suddenly Ended? by Marsha West


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