Joe Biden Quitting Exposes Three Years of Corporate Media Lies

“They saw the videos we saw, and then they lied about them to protect a man they knew wasn’t fit to serve as president. What’s more, they saw Biden a lot more than we did. They saw him at political events, at gatherings… They saw him at the White House… They talked to the people around them… They knew more than we did and still they covered up this obvious danger to our country.”

(John Nolte – Breitbart) Joe Biden himself finally admitting he is in no condition to run for reelection is the smoking gun that definitively proves the corporate media have been lying and covering up the truth of his condition for years.

It’s not right-wingnuts declaring Biden unfit after watching The Obvious in a video the corporate media then declares a “cheap fake” and “deceptive” and “misleading,” even though the video is unedited.

Read the small sampling below with the knowledge that it was on June 27, just minutes after that first presidential debate, that the corporate media decided Biden had to drop out of the race: View article →


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