Obama’s Backstabbing Of Biden Demonstrates The Democrat Party’s Moral Bankruptcy

“Democrats aren’t worried that Biden’s cognitive decline is a real, serious, and immediate threat to national security. They only fretted about Biden’s electoral ability to carry a far-left administration forward for another term.” 

(Tristan Justice – The Federalist) Democrats just spent years grandstanding on “democracy” and then dismissed more than 14 million voters who nominated President Joe Biden for a second term.

On Sunday, the Democrat Party’s presumptive nominee was “deposed in a coup,” as tech billionaire David Sacks said it, at the direction of former President Barack Obama, who was obviously behind the entire operation….

Once President Joe Biden cemented his legacy as a one-term leader, Obama celebrated the triumph and refused to immediately endorse Vice President Kamala Harris.

“We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead,” Obama wrote in an online statement. View article →


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