The entire point of the transgender ‘Last Supper’ scene in Paris was to mock Christianity and offend Christians.

“Christians of an earlier era knew how to deal with pagans who hated Jesus Christ. First, they bore witness to Christ’s conquest over death by becoming willing martyrs for the faith. Later, they defended the faith against Islam and pagan armies alike. They were willing to stand firm for Christ, whether it meant dying as a martyr or as a soldier on the battlefield.”

(John Daniel Davidson – The Federalist) As nearly everyone has seen by now, the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics featured an obscene tableau mocking Christianity with a paganized rendering of Leonardo DaVinci’s “The Last Supper” featuring hyper-sexualized transgender performers imitating Jesus and the apostles. As if to leave no doubt about their perversity, the scene even included a child.

Amid an international public outcry from Christians, the organizers tried to remove all video footage of the segment online, and a spokesman for the International Olympic Committee issued a weak non-apology over the weekend, saying “there was never any intention to show disrespect towards any religious group or belief,” that “their intention with the Opening Ceremony was always to celebrate community and tolerance,” and that “if anyone was offended by certain scenes, this was completely unintentional and they were sorry.”  View article →



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