A Response to JD Greear’s Response to Megan Basham: ‘Whispering About Homosexuality’

“Greear’s entire sermon was constructed to soften the perception of homosexuality by lumping it together with other, less shocking sins. Sure, homosexuality is sin, Greear concedes, but so is greed, so is pride, so is lying—so why not stop making such a big deal out of it? Why not downplay its severity so we can win a few more brownie points with the secular culture?”

(The Dissenter) JD Greear has stepped up to the plate in an attempt to defend his reputation against Megan Basham’s allegations in Shepherds for Sale, but his response is more akin to a magician’s sleight of hand than a genuine rebuttal. In an article titled “An Open Response to Megan Basham’s Shepherd’s for Sale,” he takes a desperate stab at defending himself.

Having followed Greear’s teachings for years, I can’t say I’m surprised by his response. It’s filled with familiar tactics—deflection, straw man arguments, and a subtle appeal to his followers’ sympathies. But in this article, we’re going to zero in on his first contention out of six: his controversial statement about the Bible “whispering” about sexual sin. Before we dive into that, though, let’s briefly list the other five contentions Greear has promised to address, of which I will address in later articles: View article →


EDW’s Review: Megan Basham’s Shepherds For Sale – Ray Fava

Shepherds for Sale and a list of the worst Christians

CRN has compiled a list of false teachers and several other professing Christians we’ve warned you about over the years. The list also contains those we must keep an eye on plus movements, organizations and “frauds, phonies and money-grubbing religious quacks” to mark and avoid as per Romans 16:17-18 such as J.D. Greear.


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