This NYT Headline Captures the Larger Liberal Media Reaction to the Biden Impeachment Report

“This is the story that Trump wanted to know more in better detail during his presidency and got impeached for it. It’s now in The New York Times; he’s vindicated again.”

(Mat Vespa – Townhall) President Joe Biden has been cited for committing impeachable offenses that defrauded the United States and the American public stemming from his operations with his son, Hunter, regarding their government access for cash scheme. Millions of dollars were funneled to the Biden family or through family members and other associates in the form of a network of shell companies….

The cash the family received from Romanian officials was distributed through such a system. As Leah covered this morning, the 292-page report from House Republicans lays out the case against the president, who quit his re-election campaign on July 21. (via Fox News):

President Biden engaged in “impeachable conduct,” House Republicans found in their  months-long impeachment inquiry, declaring in their highly anticipated report that he “abused his office” and “defrauded the United States to enrich his family.” View article →


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