The Stakes Have Never Been Higher: Schumer Outlines Democratic Agenda ‘With the Guardrails Off.’

Budgets are irrelevant. Taxes are irrelevant. What matters is shoveling money to favored Democratic constituencies and billionaires so that the Democrats can, in the immortal words of FDR’s pal Harry Hopkins, “tax and tax and spend and spend…”

(Rick Moran – PJ Media) Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y) is a dreamer. And the dream he’s having this week during the Democratic National Convention isn’t of sugar plums and dancing fairies.

Schumer dreams of a Democratic majority in the House and Senate and a Democratic president to ram through an agenda that would not only be ruinously expensive but alter the character of the American experiment.

First up would be carving out an exemption to the filibuster to pass voting rights and abortion legislation. Currently, Democrats in the Senate are stymied by the 60-vote minimum to get legislation passed. Schumer wants to change Senate rules to allow for a majority vote on selected legislation. From there, it’s just a small step to get rid of the filibuster completely. View article →


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