Six Signs You Trust The Media Too Much

(Jamie Bambrick – Clear Truth Media) If you were duped by any of the following things and still trust the media, you trust them too much. You believed in…

1 – Russian Collusion

Remember how Donald Trump swept to power in 2016, backed by huge Russian bot farms pumping out endless pro-Trump propaganda, clearly empowered by Vladimir Putin? At least, that’s what we were told, repeatedly, for years, by the mainstream media, and even his presidential opponent Hillary Clinton pushed the theme.

And then it turned out this was completely false, and Trump’s presidency was the only one in which Putin didn’t start a new conflict. Strange.

We also haven’t heard anything about it in years, and there has been no reckoning.

Bear in mind, we were also told just four years later that questioning election integrity is the worst thing in human history. View article →



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