Hey Christians, if the world doesn’t think you’re weird, you’re doing it wrong

“God has done great, clarifying work for believers. The secular world no longer feels the need to even pay lip service to Christian beliefs, so the line between what the world wants of us and what God wants of us has never been clearer in our lifetimes.”

(Jason Anderson – Clear Truth Media) The Democrats recently demonstrated the sophistication and self-awareness for which they are known by attempting to brand Donald Trump and J.D. Vance as “weird.” And it says a lot about how confident they are in their control of the culture that they now feel comfortable defining the boundaries of normality.

Supporters of course sprang to the defense of Trump and Vance, what with “weird” being kind of an insult and all, and explained that if Democrats wanted to know what weird looked like they could check out the reflection in their men’s room tampon dispensers. So, where once political disputes inspired the Lincoln-Douglas debates, this presidential race has given us a month of “I know you are but what am I?” View article →


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