One Day After Resigning, MorningStar CEO Chris Reed Admits to Sexual Misconduct

“In an article written by Rebecca Hopkins for The Roys Report she reveals that Reed, who is married and has six younger children, was involved with a student (who is an adult seven years his junior) at MorningStar named here as “Kathryn,” whom he was kissing and sending sexual text messages to in 2021, prior to becoming CEO.”

(Protestia) A day after resigning from his role as President and CEO of the New Apostolic Reformation mecca known as MorningStar Ministries, Chris Reed has admitted to sexual misconduct with one of his students.

MorningStar Ministries, a prominent entity in Charismatic Christendom, has become a symbol of the worst excesses of the New Apostolic Reformation and Pentecostal movement. Founded by Rick Joyner in 1985, the ministry has been a platform for every false teacher and loon with a story of visiting heaven, a prophetic word to plug, and a book to sell. View article →


MorningStar CEO Chris Reed Steps Down, Mentor Implies Reasons Are Sketchy and Suspicious

Research: New Apostolic Reformation


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