Our Nation Needs To Repent. How Do We Actually Do That?

“God has blessed our nation. We need fearless leaders, from every place of influence, to be a collective voice in leading the nation in repentance, just as Josiah and Jeremiah did.”

(Wes Martin – Clear Truth Media) We are indebted to God for his many blessings to us as a nation. Though not the only nation to have experienced something like this, things like the founding of modern democracy that has established a constitutional republic with checks and balances, the Bill of Rights that has set a precedent for individual liberties and inspired human rights across the globe, massive economic blessing, innovation and entrepreneurship or Christian missions to the world, we’re beyond blessed and we know it. The term ‘American Exceptionalism’ has a lot of truth to it.

But here is the question: Have we offered the appropriate response of gratitude, worship and obedience to God for these many blessings? Have we stewarded such blessings well? I think we’d all agree that we have not.

As such, repentance is necessary. So let’s talk about King Josiah. View article →


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