With Bad and Worse Options, How Should Christians Think About Voting in This Climate?

(The Dissenter) The tightrope we conservatives are forced to walk these days is starting to feel more like a razor’s edge—painful, precarious, and sometimes downright unbearable. On the one hand, we have a GOP that can’t seem to muster the backbone to stand firm on one of the most crucial moral issues of our time: the sanctity of life. On the other, we have the Democratic Party—a political juggernaut of moral decay, soon to be led by the likes of KKKamala Harris, whose hypocrisy, deceit, and incompetence would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous.

The dilemma we face is real, and I feel it as much as anyone.

Donald Trump, despite his supposed achievements, has disappointed many of us with his compromise on abortion. How is it that the party that once stood as a strong defense for life has managed to fumble on this most basic of issues? View article →



A Day in the Life of a Low-Information Voter

Evangelicals For Kamala?

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